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  1. put sth. out

    • ph.
    • 釋義
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    • 1. 將某物置於門外(尤指待人取走) put out the dustbins, the empty milk bottles, etc. 把垃圾箱、空奶瓶等放到外面去 Have you put the cat out yet? 你把貓趕出去了嗎?
    • 2. 把某物放在看得見用得著的地方 put out ashtrays, bowls of peanuts 擺出菸灰缸、盛有花生的碗 put out clean towels for a guest 為客人預備好乾淨的毛巾
    • 3. (指植物)生長出(葉、芽等) The trees are beginning to put out shoots. 這些樹正在發芽。
    • 4. 生產或產生某物 The plant puts out 500 new cars a week. 該廠每週生產500輛新汽車。
    • 5. (通常為有某目的)發布(或出版、廣播)某事物 Police have put out a description of the man they wish to question. 警方公布了那男子的特徵, 希望找他問話。
    • 6. 使某物停止燃燒 Firemen soon put the fire out. 消防隊員很快把火撲滅了。 put out a candle, cigarette, pipe 把蠟燭、香菸、菸斗熄滅
    • 7. 關掉某物 put out the lamp, light, gas fire 關燈、熄燈、關掉煤氣取暖器
    • 8. 使(身體某部)脫位 She fell off her horse and put her shoulder out. 她從馬上摔了下來, 肩關節脫臼了。
    • 9. 使(數字、結果、計算等)出錯 The devaluation of the pound has put our estimates out by several thousands. 美元一貶值使我們的估計數差了幾千鎊。
    • ph.
      把(工作、活兒等)送出去請別人做 A lot of proof-reading is put out to freelancers. 校對工作有很多是請外人做的。 All repairs are done on the premises and not put out. 一切修理工作都在場址內進行, 不送到外面去做。
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      使某事物不被重視 The sheer cost of the scheme puts it right out of court. 這一方案所需費用龐大, 不值得考慮。
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      請人承包工作(或供貨等) We haven't the resources to do the work ourselves, so we'll put it out to contract. 我們自己無法做這項工作, 所以要承包出去。
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      不再考慮某事物; 放棄(計劃等) You'd better put the idea of marriage out of your head. 你最好打消結婚的念頭。 An interruption put it quite out of my head. 一打岔我就把這事全忘了。
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