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    put to

    • ph.
    • 相關詞
    • ph.
      使入睡 The soft music put her to sleep. 輕柔的音樂使她入睡。
    • ph.
      使恢復正常 It took me ages to put things to rights after the workmen had finished. 工人幹完活兒後, 我用了很長時間才收拾好。 This medicine will soon put you to rights. 這藥可以使你很快康復。
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      送上床睡覺 Mother put the three children to bed at nine o'clock. 媽媽九點鐘打發三個小孩去睡覺。 The boy seemed ill, so the nurse put him to bed. 那男孩似乎很不舒服, 所以護士讓他到床上休息。
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      【口】結束..., 毀掉... Coming to work drunk put paid to her hopes of promotion. 她上班總是醉醺醺的, 把晉升的希望都失去了。
    • ph.
      使蒙羞, 使相形見絀 His son's crime put the old man to shame. 這個老人因兒子犯罪而蒙受恥辱。 He played so well he put all the other tennis players to shame. 他的網球打得非常好, 以致所有的網球選手相形見絀。
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      大大優越於 Your beautiful handwriting puts my untidy scrawl to shame. 你漂亮的字體把我的潦草字跡比得見不得人。
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      為某人接通電話 Could you put me through to the manager, please. 勞駕請經理接電話。 I'm trying to put a call through to Paris. 我正要給巴黎通個電話。
    • ph.
      使用, 利用, 應用 You can be sure that the money you give them will be put to good use. 你可以相信你給他們的錢將被很好利用。
    • ph.
      出海, 啟航 The Captain said the ship would put to sea at six in the morning. 船長說船在早晨六點啟航。 The ship was unable to put to sea on account of the gale. 由於大風船未能出航。
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