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  1. rancid

    • IPA[ˈransɪd]


    • adj.
      (of foods containing fat or oil) smelling or tasting unpleasant as a result of being old and stale;highly unpleasant; repugnant
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    • 1. (of foods containing fat or oil) smelling or tasting unpleasant as a result of being old and stale rancid meat without preservatives, fat goes rancid
    • highly unpleasant; repugnant his columns are just rationales for every kind of rancid prejudice
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    • IPA[ˈransəd]


    • adj.
      (of foods containing fat or oil) smelling or tasting unpleasant as a result of being old and stale: rancid meat without preservatives, fat goes rancid

    Oxford American Dictionary