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  1. regression

    • IPA[rəˈɡreSH(ə)n]


    • n.
      a return to a former or less developed state;a return to an earlier stage of life or a supposed previous life, especially through hypnosis or mental illness, or as a means of escaping present anxieties
    • noun: regression, plural noun: regressions

    • 釋義


    • 1. a return to a former or less developed state it is easy to blame unrest on economic regression
    • a return to an earlier stage of life or a supposed previous life, especially through hypnosis or mental illness, or as a means of escaping present anxieties regression therapy
    • a lessening of the severity of a disease or its symptoms he seemed able to produce a regression in this disease
    • 2. a measure of the relation between the mean value of one variable (e.g. output) and corresponding values of other variables (e.g. time and cost).