- IPA[reɪn]
- hold royal office; rule as monarch;be the best or most important in a particular area or domain
- the period of rule of a monarch;the period during which someone or something is predominant or pre-eminent
verb: reign, 3rd person present: reigns, gerund or present participle: reigning, past tense: reigned, past participle: reigned
noun: reign, plural noun: reigns
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. hold royal office; rule as monarch Queen Elizabeth reigns over the UK 同義詞
- ▪ be the best or most important in a particular area or domain in America, baseball reigns supreme
- ▪ (of a quality or condition) be the dominant feature of a situation or place confusion reigned 同義詞
- 1. the period of rule of a monarch the original chapel was built in the reign of Charles I 同義詞
- ▪ the period during which someone or something is predominant or pre-eminent she was hoping for a long reign as world champion 同義詞
- occupying the throne; ruling: the official residence of the reigning monarch
Oxford American Dictionary
- occupying the throne; ruling: the official residence of the reigning monarch
Oxford Dictionary
- a period of remorseless repression or bloodshed, in particular the period of the Terror during ...
Oxford Dictionary
- a period of remorseless repression or bloodshed, in particular the period of the Terror during ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[rān]
- hold royal office; rule as king or queen: Queen Elizabeth reigns over the UK
- the period during which a sovereign rules: the original chapel was built in the reign of Charles I
Oxford American Dictionary