- KK[rɪˋleʃən]
- DJ[riˋleiʃən]
- 關係,關聯[U][(+between/to)];(國家,團體,人等之間的)關係,往來[P][(+between/with)]
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 關係,關聯[U][(+between/to)] Their relation seemed quite close. 他們的關係似乎十分密切。
- 2. (國家,團體,人等之間的)關係,往來[P][(+between/with)] They are anxious to develop friendly relations with their neighboring countries. 他們急於同鄰國發展友好關係。
- 3. 血緣關係,親戚關係[U][(+to)]
- 4. 親戚,親屬[C][(+of)] He had no other near relations. 他沒有其他近親。
- 5. 【婉】肉體關係[P][(+with)]
- 6. 【律】(導致起訴的)告發[U][(+of)]
- 7. 敘述[U][(+of)] His relation of his adventure fascinated us. 他講述的關於自己的冒險經歷使我們聽入了迷。
- 8. 敘述的事,故事[C]
n. 聯接,關聯,相迎
- connection
- , tie
- , link
- , union
- , liaison
- , association
- , connectedness
- , relatedness
- , affiliation
- , rapport
- , interconnection
- , concatenation
- , relativity
- , relationship
- , alliance
n. 交往,交易,交媾
- intercourse
- , dealings
- , truck
- , sexual intercourse
- , sex
- , coitus
- , coition
- , copulation
- , venery
- , lovemaking
- , act of love
- , marriage act
n. 親屬關係
n. 親戚
n. 敘述,摘要
- narration
- , recitation
- , recital
- , description
- , depiction
- , portrayal
- , representation
- , rehearsal
- , retelling
- , recapitulation
n. 故事
- relation的名詞複數
- 較同類遜色的人(或物) Some people may regard radio as the poor relation of broadcasting. 有些人可能認為無線電廣播在廣播事業中稍遜一籌。
- 窮親戚,同類中較差者
- 因果關係(意即當一個事件發生後,另一個事件伴隨發生的機率)
- 血親;骨肉
- 窮親戚,同類中較差者
- 血親;骨肉
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- 下一頁