1. the formal rejection of something, typically a belief, claim, or course of action
- abstention from
- , refraining from
- , going without
- , doing without
- , giving up of
- , eschewal of
- , rejection of
- , repudiation
- , rejection
- , abandonment
- , forsaking
- , forswearing
- , disavowal
- , denial
- , abjuration
2. express or tacit abandonment of a right or position, usually without assignment to another person
- relinquishment
- , giving up
- , abandonment
- , resignation
- , abdication
- , surrender
- , signing away
- , waiving
- , forgoing
- , disclaimer
- , abnegation
- , demission
「1. express or tacit abandonment of a right or position, usually without assignment to another person」的反義字