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  1. resurface

    • IPA[rēˈsərfəs]


    • v.
      put a new coating on or reform (a surface such as a road, a floor, or ice);come back up to the surface
    • verb: resurface, 3rd person present: resurfaces, gerund or present participle: resurfacing, past tense: resurfaced, past participle: resurfaced

    • 釋義


    • 1. put a new coating on or reform (a surface such as a road, a floor, or ice) I helped my mother to resurface the kitchen floor the road has been closed for resurfacing
    • 2. come back up to the surface he resurfaced beside the boat
    • arise or become evident again serious concerns about the welfare of animals eventually resurfaced
    • (of a person) come out of hiding or obscurity he resurfaced under a false identity in Australia
    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˌriːˈsəːfɪs]


    • v.
      put a new coating on or re-form (a surface, especially a road): I helped my mother to resurface the kitchen floor the road has been closed for resurfacing

    Oxford Dictionary