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  1. rose

    • IPA[rəʊz]


    • n.
      a prickly bush or shrub that typically bears red, pink, yellow, or white fragrant flowers, native to north temperate regions and widely grown as an ornamental.;the flower of a rose bush
    • v.
      make rosy
    • noun: rose, plural noun: roses

    • 釋義
    • 片語


    • 1. a prickly bush or shrub that typically bears red, pink, yellow, or white fragrant flowers, native to north temperate regions and widely grown as an ornamental.
    • the flower of a rose bush he sent her a dozen red roses
    • used in names of other plants whose flowers resemble roses, e.g. Christmas rose, rose of Sharon.
    • a rose regarded as an emblem of beauty, delicacy, or purity she's a rose between two thorns
    • used to refer to favourable circumstances or ease of success all is not roses in the firm today days of wine and roses
    • 2. a stylized representation of a rose in heraldry or decoration, typically with five petals (especially as a national emblem of England) the Tudor rose
    • short for rose window
    • 3. a warm pink or light crimson colour the rose and gold of dawn the 100% cotton range is available in rose pink and ocean blue
    • used in reference to a rosy complexion the fresh air will soon put the roses back in her cheeks
    • 4. a perforated cap attached to a shower, the spout of a watering can, or the end of a hose to produce a spray.
    • 5. short for compass rose


    • 1. literary make rosy a warm flush now rosed her hitherto blue cheeks