Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. PyDict


    • 賽跑,流出,運轉流動的,跑著的,連續的
    • 相關詞
    • 順串


    • run的過去式


    • ph.
      迅速看一遍, 瀏覽; 復查 Run through this article and tell me what you think of it. 請看一遍這篇文章並告訴我你對這篇文章有什麼看法。 run through the main points of the news 把新聞要點歸納一下
    • ph.
      偶然碰到 I just happened to run into him at the bank. 我碰巧在銀行裡遇見了他。
    • ph.
      撞倒; 撞沈 The steamer ran down a small fishing boat. 這艘輪船把一只小漁船撞翻了。 The careless motorist ran down two small children. 粗心大意的駕車人撞倒了兩個小孩。
    • ph.
      使流走 The rainwater can run off the roof through these pipes. 雨水可以通過這些管道從屋頂上流走。 He ran off a bucket of water from the barrel. 他從大木桶中放出一桶水。
    • ph.
      逃跑, 出走 Don't bother me while I'm reading; run away and play. 我讀書的時候不要打擾我; 走開去玩。 Don't run away. I shan't eat you. 不要躲避我, 我又不吃你。
    • ph.
      奔入, 匆匆進入 There is water still running in. 仍有水在流進來。
    • ph.
      跑開 He ran out without waiting to hear more. 他不等聽取更多的情形, 就匆忙跑開了。 The water ran out of the cracked jug. 水從有裂縫的罐子中流出來了。
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