- IPA[ˈrʌnɪŋ]
- 跑步; 帶頭;管理; …的管理; …的統治
- 賽跑用的
- 連續的;流動的
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 1. 跑步; 帶頭 to take up running 開始跑步 to be in the running (for sth.) (某事)有成功的機會
- 2. 管理; …的管理; …的統治 the running of sth. …的經營
修飾詞 (modification)
- 1. 賽跑用的 running shoes 跑鞋
- 1. 連續的 five days running 連續5天
- 2. 流動的
- 3. 淌水的
- 4. 流鼻涕的; 不斷的煩擾 a running sore 流膿的瘡
- 5. 連續不斷的
- 6. 邊跑邊進行的 to (go and) take a running jump 滾開
1. the sport of racing on foot
2. the action of managing or operating something
- administration
- , management
- , managing
- , organization
- , coordination
- , orchestration
- , handling
- , direction
- , conduct
- , overseeing
- , controlling
- , control
- , regulation
- , supervision
- , charge
- , operation
- , working
- , functioning
- , performance
3. (of water) flowing naturally or supplied to a building through pipes and taps
4. continuous or recurring over a long period
- continuous
- , ongoing
- , sustained
- , unceasing
- , incessant
- , ceaseless
- , uninterrupted
- , constant
- , perpetual
- , unbroken
- , recurrent
- , recurring
- , perennial
5. consecutive; in succession