- IPA[ˈsältəd]
- having salt as an ingredient; containing or seasoned with salt;preserved with salt
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- 相關詞
- 1. having salt as an ingredient; containing or seasoned with salt I could definitely taste the salted caramel a bowl of salted peanuts
- ▪ preserved with salt with the sudden influx of whaling ships came an increased demand for fresh and salted beef
- 2. informal (of a horse) having developed a resistance to disease by surviving it.
- a white crystalline substance that gives seawater its characteristic taste and is used for ...
- impregnated with, treated with, or tasting of salt: salt water salt beef
- season or preserve with salt: after stuffing the fish, I salted and peppered it
Oxford American Dictionary
- a white crystalline substance that gives seawater its characteristic taste and is used for ...
- impregnated with, treated with, or tasting of salt: salt water salt beef
- season or preserve with salt: after stuffing the fish, I salted and peppered it
Oxford Dictionary
- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.
Oxford American Dictionary
- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.
Oxford Dictionary
- an area of coastal land that is regularly covered by the tide: they nest on the drier parts of the saltings
Oxford American Dictionary
- an area of coastal land that is regularly covered by the tide: they nest on the drier parts of the saltings
Oxford Dictionary
- (of food) having too much salt added: over-salted French fries
Oxford Dictionary
- a dish or container for storing salt, now typically a closed container with perforations in the ...
Oxford Dictionary
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- IPA[ˈsɒltɪd]
- having salt as an ingredient; containing or seasoned with salt: I could definitely taste the salted caramel a bowl of salted peanuts
Oxford Dictionary