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  1. scamp

    • IPA[skamp]


    • n.
      a person, especially a child, who is mischievous in a likable or amusing way.;a wicked or worthless person; a rogue.
    • noun: scamp, plural noun: scamps

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    • IPA[skamp]


    • n.
      a person, especially a child, who is mischievous in a likeable or amusing way: some little scamp stuffed tissue paper in between the hammer and the bell

    Oxford Dictionary

    • IPA[skamp]


    • v.
      do (something) in a perfunctory or inadequate way: she had scamped her work

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • IPA[skamp]


    • v.
      do (something) in a perfunctory or inadequate way: she had scamped her work

    Oxford Dictionary