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  1. off-screen

    • IPA[ˈɔf ˈˌskrin]


    • adj.
      not appearing on a movie or television screen;happening in real life rather than fictionally on-screen
    • adv.
      outside what can be seen on a movie or television screen;in real life rather than fictionally in a movie or on television
    • 釋義


    • 1. not appearing on a movie or television screen he drawls to an off-screen interrogator
    • happening in real life rather than fictionally on-screen they were off-screen lovers


    • 1. outside what can be seen on a movie or television screen the girl is looking off-screen to the right
    • in real life rather than fictionally in a movie or on television happy endings rarely happen off-screen
    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˌɒfˈskriːn]


    • adj.
      not appearing on a cinema, television, or computer screen: he drawls to an off-screen interrogator
    • adv.
      outside what can be seen on a television or cinema screen: the girl is looking off-screen to the right

    Oxford Dictionary