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  1. segregated

    • IPA[ˈsɛɡrɪɡeɪtɪd]


    • adj.
      set apart from each other; isolated or divided;separated or divided along racial, sexual, or religious lines
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    • 相關詞


    • 1. set apart from each other; isolated or divided segregated fields of practice each with their own aims
    • separated or divided along racial, sexual, or religious lines segregated education systems
    • v.
      set apart from the rest or from each other; isolate or divide: apprehensions about groups segregated from the rest of society
    • n.
      an allele that has undergone segregation.

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • v.
      set apart from the rest or from each other; isolate or divide: apprehensions about groups segregated from the rest of society
    • n.
      an allele that has undergone segregation.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • adj.
      (of a group or system) not separated or divided on a racial, sexual, or religious basis: we can build non-segregated communities non-segregated education

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈseɡrəˌɡādəd]


    • adj.
      set apart from each other; isolated or divided: segregated fields of practice each with their own aims

    Oxford American Dictionary