- IPA[ˈsīdəd]
- having sides of a specified number or type
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. having sides of a specified number or type narrow, steep-sided canyons
- a position to the left or right of an object, place, or central point: a town on the other side of the river on either side of the entrance was a garden
- support or oppose in a conflict, dispute, or debate: he felt that Max had betrayed him by siding with Beatrice
Oxford Dictionary
- a position to the left or right of an object, place, or central point: a town on the other side of the river on either side of the entrance was a garden
- support or oppose in a conflict, dispute, or debate: he felt that Max had betrayed him by siding with Beatrice
Oxford American Dictionary
- unfairly giving or dealing with only one side of a contentious issue or question; biased or ... the press was accused of being one-sided, of not giving a balanced picture
Oxford American Dictionary
- unfairly giving or dealing with only one side of a contentious issue; biased: one-sided agitprop that devalues the causes it promotes
Oxford Dictionary
- having two sides: a colorful two-sided leaflet
Oxford American Dictionary
- having two sides: a colourful two-sided leaflet
Oxford Dictionary
- having many sides or aspects: the reasons for poor collaboration are complex and many-sided
Oxford American Dictionary
- using or able to be used on both sides: double-sided tape
Oxford Dictionary
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- IPA[ˈsʌɪdɪd]
- having sides of a specified number or type: narrow, steep-sided canyons
Oxford Dictionary