1. make musical sounds with the voice, especially words with a set tune
- chant
- , intone
- , croon
- , carol
- , chorus
- , warble
- , trill
- , pipe
- , quaver
- , yodel
- , render
- , perform
- , belt out
- , troll
2. perform (a song, words, or tune) by making musical sounds with the voice
- chant
- , intone
- , croon
- , carol
- , chorus
- , warble
- , trill
- , pipe
- , quaver
- , yodel
- , render
- , perform
- , belt out
- , troll
3. call something out loudly
- call out
- , call
- , cry
- , cry out
- , shout
- , yell
- , trumpet
- , bellow
- , roar
- , holler
- , cooee
4. (of a bird) make characteristic melodious whistling and twittering sounds
5. act as an informer to the police
- inform (on someone)
- , tell tales (on someone)
- , squeal
- , rat on someone
- , blow the whistle on someone
- , peach (on someone)
- , snitch (on someone)
- , put the finger on someone
- , sell someone down the river
- , grass (on someone)
- , shop someone
- , rat someone out
- , finger someone
- , fink on someone
- , drop a/the dime on someone
- , pimp on someone