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  1. sit up

    • ph.
      move from a lying or slouching to a sitting position;cause someone to move from a lying or slouching to a sitting position
    • 釋義
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    • 1. move from a lying or slouching to a sitting position
    • 2. cause someone to move from a lying or slouching to a sitting position
    • 3. refrain from going to bed until a later time than usual
    • 4. suddenly start paying attention or have one's interest aroused
    • n.
      a physical exercise designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles, in which a person sits up ...

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a physical exercise designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles, in which a person sits up ...

    Oxford Dictionary

    • adj.
      denoting a bicycle with relatively high handlebars ridden in an upright sitting position: he travels around London on a sit-up-and-beg bicycle

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      suddenly start paying attention or have one's interest aroused

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      suddenly start paying attention or have one's interest aroused

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      move (or cause someone to move) from a lying or slouching to a sitting position

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      move (or cause someone to move) from a lying or slouching to a sitting position

    Oxford Dictionary

    • 更多解釋
    • ph.
      move from a lying or slouching to a sitting position

    Oxford American Dictionary