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    a sitting duck

    • ph.
    • 相關詞
    • ph.
      坐在沒有扶手的椅子上; 忽略, 坐視不理 He has been sitting on my letter for months: Why doesn't he answer it? 他幾個月一直沒有理睬我的信, 為什麼他不回信?
    • ph.
      穩住; 留在原處 All the others ran away, but I sat tight. 別人都跑了, 但我在原地沒動。 If your car breaks down, just sit tight and wait for the police to come along. 如果你的車子拋錨, 就留在原處不動, 等警察來。
    • ph.
      不睡 The nurse sat up with her patient all night. 那位護士整夜不睡照顧她的病人。
    • ph.
      應考 More students than ever before sat for their law examinations this year. 今年參加法律考試的學生比往年都多。
    • ph.
      坐下來休息; 不採取行動 Many people just sit back and do not get concerned about the problems of the world. 許多人只是袖手旁觀, 對世界上的困難漠不關心。
    • ph.
      靜坐示威; 臨時代替 The students entered the president's office and sat in all night. 學生們走進校長辦公室在那裡靜坐了一夜以表示示威。
    • ph.
      看完(或聽完)節目 I did sit through the entire programme, I didn't find it so bad as you seem to think. 我確實看完了整個節目, 我沒有覺得節目象你認為的那麼差。 I can't sit through six hours of Wagner! 看六小時的瓦格納歌劇我可坐不住!
    • ph.
      坐下 Please, sit down to your work. 請坐下來工作。
    • ph.
      坐在戶外 The garden's so lovely, I think I'll sit out. 花園真漂亮, 我想我還是坐在外面好。
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