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  1. slashed

    • IPA[slaʃt]


    • adj.
      (of a garment) having slits to show the lining material or skin beneath
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    • 1. (of a garment) having slits to show the lining material or skin beneath she wore slashed jeans
    • v.
      cut with a wide, sweeping movement, typically using a knife or sword: for what felt like hours we climbed behind the trackers slashing the undergrowth ahead a tyre was slashed on my car
    • n.
      a wide, sweeping stroke made with a knife or sword: the man took a mighty slash at his head with a large sword
    • conj.
      used to link alternatives or words denoting or describing a dual (or multiple) function or nature: a fashionable theatre-slash-bar-slash-restaurant a model slash actress

    Oxford Dictionary

    • v.
      cut (something) with a violent sweeping movement, typically using a knife or sword: a tire was slashed on my car they cut and slashed their way to the river
    • n.
      a cut made with a wide, sweeping stroke: the man took a mighty slash at his head with a large sword
    • conj.
      used to link alternatives or words describing or denoting a dual (or multiple) function or nature: a model slash actress the most insane-slash-brilliant maneuver in the show's history

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a tract of swampy ground, especially in a coastal region.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a tract of swampy ground, especially in a coastal region.

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a slash (/), especially as used in website addresses and computer commands. most modern web browsers will replace an incorrect backslash in a URL with the correct forward slash

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a pocket set in a garment with a slit for the opening.

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a fast-growing, long-needled pine found in low-lying coastal areas of the southeastern US, ...

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a fast-growing, long-needled pine found in low-lying coastal areas of the south-eastern US, ...

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a pocket set in a garment with a diagonal slit for the opening.

    Oxford Dictionary

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