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  1. slip

    • IPA[slɪp]



    • vi.
      滑倒; 打滑; 遭遇挫敗; 遭遇尷尬;滑動
    • vt.
      悄悄放; 插入;悄悄給
    • n.
    • 過去式:slipped 過去分詞:slipped 現在分詞:slipping

    • 名詞複數:slips

    • 釋義
    • 同反義
    • 片語


    • 1. 滑倒; 打滑; 遭遇挫敗; 遭遇尷尬 to slip in/on sth. 在某物中/上滑倒 to slip on a banana skin 踩到香蕉皮滑倒
    • 2. 滑動 the knife slipped and cut my cheek 剃刀一滑割傷了我的面頰
    • 3. 沒掛上; 鬆脫 to slip on sth. 在…上滑行 to slip off the hook 從鉤子上掉下來
    • 4. 輕快地滑動 to slip down sth. 輕快地滑下 to slip past/across sth. 輕快地從某物邊/上滑過
    • 5. 悄悄移動; 悄悄翻過; 悄悄渡過 to slip (unnoticed) (趁人不注意)偷偷溜走 to slip over or across 悄悄越過
    • 6. 逃脫; 滑落; 從…中逃脫; 走漏 to slip from or out of sth. 從…中滑落 to slip through sth. 從…間滑落
    • 7. 降低; 降級; 下跌 to slip to third place/37p 降到第三名/跌到37便士 to be slipping 退步


    • 1. 悄悄放; 插入 to slip sth. into sth. 把某物放入某物中 I slipped the money into his pocket 我把錢悄悄塞進他口袋裡
    • 2. 悄悄給 to slip sb. sth., to slip sth. to sb. 把某物塞給某人 I'll get you to the front of the queue if you want to slip me a fiver 你給我5英鎊,我就讓你加塞兒到隊伍前面
    • 3. 戴上/摘下 to slip sth. on/off 穿上/脫下 to slip sth. on (to) one's finger/wrist 把某物套在手指/手腕上
    • 4. 解開 to slip a (dog's) leash 解開(拴狗的)皮帶 to slip a dog off its leash 解開皮帶放開狗
    • 5. 掙脫; 使…鬆脫; 從…上鬆脫; 沒有引起 to slip anchor 棄錨起航 to slip one's mind or memory 被遺忘


    • 1. 滑倒 a slip on sth. 在…上的滑倒 to give sb. the slip 避開某人
    • 2. 差錯 a slip in sth. …中的差錯 to make a slip 出錯
    • 3. 下降
    • 4. 襯裙; 體操衫
    • 5. 枕套
    • 6. 紙片; 通知單 a slip of paper 一片紙 a credit card slip 信用卡交易簽賬單
    • 7. 泥釉
    • 8. 防守位置; 守場員 to be or field (at) (first/second) slip 打(第一/第二)防守位置
    • 9. 滑坡
    • 10. 滑移; 滑動變形 a slip fault 滑斷層


    1. a small piece of paper, typically a form for writing on or one giving printed information

    2. a cutting taken from a plant for grafting or planting; a scion