- IPA[snaɡ]
- an unexpected or hidden obstacle or drawback;a sharp, angular, or jagged projection
- catch or tear (something) on a projection;become caught on a projection
noun: snag, plural noun: snags
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. an unexpected or hidden obstacle or drawback the picture's US release hit a snag 同義詞
- 2. a sharp, angular, or jagged projection keep an emery board handy in case of nail snags 同義詞
- ▪ a rent or tear in fabric caused by a sharp or jagged projection. 同義詞
- 3. North American a dead tree dozens of species of birds and mammals use standing snags for nesting
- 1. catch or tear (something) on a projection thorns snagged his sweater 同義詞
- ▪ become caught on a projection radio aerials snagged on bushes and branches 同義詞
- ▪ catch or obtain (someone or something) it's the first time they've snagged the star for a photo
- the process of checking a new building for minor faults that need to be rectified.
Oxford Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[snaɡ]
- an unexpected or hidden obstacle or drawback: there's one small snag
- catch or tear (something) on a sharp projection: thorns snagged his sweater
Oxford Dictionary
- IPA[snaɡ]
- a sausage: I make my own snags, my own pies and pasties
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[snaɡ]
- a sausage: I make my own snags, my own pies and pasties
Oxford Dictionary