- 釋義
- 同反義
- 1. 飛沫 sea spray 海面的浪花 the spray of a waterfall 瀑布的水花
- 2. 噴劑 a throat/nasal spray 潤喉/鼻霧噴劑 to apply sth. in or as a spray 把…噴塗上去
- 3. 噴霧器 a throat spray 潤喉劑噴筒 a spray-head/nozzle 噴頭/噴嘴
- 4. 噴灑 to give the flowers a quick spray 給花迅速噴點水
- 5. 一陣 a spray of bullets/sparks 一陣彈雨/火花
- 1. 噴 to spray paint (on to sth.) (給某物)噴漆 to spray water at/over sth. 對著某物/往某物上噴水
- 2. 向…噴灑 to spray crops 給莊稼噴水 to spray sb./sth. with sth. 給某人/某物噴某物
- 3. 濺落 to be sprayed with sparks 濺滿火星 to spray bullets 掃射
- 4. 傾瀉 to spray sb./sth. with sth. 使某人身上/某物上散落 to spray rioters with sth. 用某物噴射暴徒
- 1. 噴 water sprayed all over the floor 水噴了一地
- 2. 傾瀉 to spray all over the room 濺落至房間各個角落
1. a stem or small branch of a tree or plant, bearing flowers and foliage
2. a bunch of cut flowers arranged in an attractive way