- IPA[stāk]
- a sum of money or something else of value gambled on the outcome of a risky game or venture;a share or interest in a business, situation, or system
- gamble (money or something else of value) on the outcome of a game or race;give financial or other support to
verb: stake, 3rd person present: stakes, gerund or present participle: staking, past tense: staked, past participle: staked
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 片語
- 1. a sum of money or something else of value gambled on the outcome of a risky game or venture playing dice for high stakes the mayor raised the stakes in the battle for power 同義詞
- ▪ a share or interest in a business, situation, or system GM acquired a 50 percent stake in Saab 同義詞
- ▪ prize money, especially in horse racing. 同義詞
- ▪ a horse race in which all the owners of the racehorses running contribute to the prize money the horse is to run in the Lexington Stakes
- ▪ a situation involving competition in a specified area we will keep you one step ahead in the fashion stakes 同義詞
- 1. gamble (money or something else of value) on the outcome of a game or race one gambler staked everything he'd got and lost it was risky to stake his reputation on one big success
- 2. North American informal give financial or other support to he staked him to an education at the École des Beaux-Arts
- mark an area with stakes so as to claim ownership of it
Oxford Dictionary
- mark an area with stakes so as to claim ownership of it
Oxford American Dictionary
- to be won or lost; at risk
Oxford American Dictionary
- at risk
Oxford Dictionary
- a body for a truck having a flat open platform with removable posts along the sides.
Oxford American Dictionary
- a period of secret surveillance of a building or an area by police in order to observe ... they were looking for a vantage point for a stake-out
Oxford Dictionary
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- 更多解釋
- IPA[steɪk]
- a sum of money or something else of value gambled on the outcome of a risky game or venture: playing dice for high stakes the opposition raised the stakes in the battle for power
- gamble (money or something else of value) on the outcome of a game or race: one gambler staked everything he'd got and lost it was risky to stake his reputation on one big success
Oxford Dictionary
- IPA[stāk]
- a strong wooden or metal post with a point at one end, driven into the ground to support a ...
- support (a plant) with a stake or stakes: the gladioli were staked in gaudy ranks vigorous plants need staking
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[steɪk]
- a strong wooden or metal post with a point at one end, driven into the ground to support a ...
- support (a plant) with a stake or stakes: the gladioli were staked in gaudy ranks vigorous plants need staking
Oxford Dictionary