- IPA[ˈstiNGiNG]
- having a sting; capable of wounding or piercing with a sting;characterized by a sharp tingling or burning sensation
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- 相關詞
- 1. having a sting; capable of wounding or piercing with a sting a swarm of stinging insects the stinging tentacles of the jellyfish
- ▪ characterized by a sharp tingling or burning sensation a stinging pain
- ▪ (of criticism) harsh or cruel a stinging rebuke
- a Eurasian nettle covered in minute hairs that inject irritants such as histamine and ...
Oxford Dictionary
- a Eurasian nettle covered in minute hairs that inject irritants when they are touched. These ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈstɪŋɪŋ]
- having a sting; capable of wounding or piercing with a sting: a swarm of stinging insects the stinging tentacles of the jellyfish
Oxford Dictionary