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  1. stir

    • IPA[stəː]


    • v.
      move a spoon or other implement round in (a liquid or other substance) in order to mix it thoroughly;mix an ingredient into (a liquid or other substance) by moving a spoon or other implement round and round
    • n.
      a slight physical movement;an initial sign of a specified feeling
    • verb: stir, 3rd person present: stirs, gerund or present participle: stirring, past tense: stirred, past participle: stirred

    • noun: stir, plural noun: stirs

    • 釋義
    • 片語



    • 1. a slight physical movement I stood, straining eyes and ears for the faintest stir
    • an initial sign of a specified feeling Caroline felt a stir of anger deep within her breast
    • 2. a commotion the event caused quite a stir
    • 3. an act of stirring food or drink he gives his Ovaltine a stir