1. (of an event, action, or process) come to an end; cease to happen
- come to an end
- , come to a stop
- , cease
- , end
- , finish
- , draw to a close
- , be over
- , conclude
- , terminate
- , come to a standstill
- , pause
- , break off
- , peter out
- , fade away
2. cease to perform a specified action or have a specified experience
- cease
- , discontinue
- , refrain from
- , desist from
- , forbear from
- , break off
- , call a halt to
- , call it a day
- , give up
- , abandon
- , abstain from
- , cut out
- , belay
- , quit
- , leave off
- , knock off
- , pack in
- , lay off
- , give over
- , jack in
3. cause (an action, process, or event) to come to an end
- put an end to
- , put a stop to
- , bring to an end
- , end
- , bring to a stop
- , halt
- , bring to a halt
- , finish
- , bring to a close
- , terminate
- , bring to a standstill
- , wind up
- , discontinue
- , cut short
- , interrupt
- , nip in the bud
- , immobilize
- , paralyse
- , deactivate
- , shut down
4. prevent (an action or event) from happening
- thwart
- , baulk
- , foil
- , frustrate
- , stand in the way of
- , forestall
- , scotch
- , derail
- , put paid to
- , put the stopper on
- , put the kibosh on
- , do for
- , stymie
- , scupper
5. prevent or dissuade (someone) from continuing in an activity or achieving an aim
6. cause or order to cease moving or operating
7. refuse to supply as usual; withhold or deduct
8. block or close up (a hole or leak)
- block (up)
- , plug
- , close (up)
- , fill (up)
- , seal
- , caulk
- , bung up
- , clog (up)
- , jam (up)
- , choke (up)
- , occlude
9. a cessation of movement or operation
- halt
- , end
- , finish
- , close
- , standstill
- , cessation
- , conclusion
- , termination
- , stoppage
- , discontinuation
- , discontinuance
- , pause
10. a break or halt during a journey
11. a place designated for a bus or train to halt and pick up or set down passengers
12. a punctuation mark, especially a full stop
「1. cause (an action, process, or event) to come to an end」的反義字
「2. prevent (an action or event) from happening」的反義字
「3. prevent or dissuade (someone) from continuing in an activity or achieving an aim」的反義字
「4. a cessation of movement or operation」的反義字