- KK[ˋstrɪkən]
- DJ[ˋstrikən]
- 被擊中的,受傷的;患病的;受害的;受挫折的
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. 被擊中的,受傷的 The stricken man was taken immediately to a hospital. 受傷的人被立即送往醫院。
- 2. 患病的;受害的;受挫折的 The girl's face had a stricken look. 那女孩愁眉不展。
- 3. (構成複合詞)受……侵襲的 The program was to help those poverty-stricken families. 該計畫是為了幫助貧困不堪的家庭。
- 4. 與容器口齊平的 a stricken measure of grain 齊口平的一量器糧食
- 5. strike的動詞過去分詞
- 打,擊,攻擊[O1] He was struck by lightning. 他被閃電擊中。 She struck him with a stick. 她用棍子打他。
- 打,擊;襲擊;進攻[(+out)] His knee struck against the chair. 他的膝蓋撞到了椅子上。 The enemy struck at dawn. 敵人於拂曉時發起進攻。
- 打擊;攻擊;空襲 The commander decided to make an air strike on the enemy's supply line. 指揮官決定空襲敵人的補給線。
- 因罷工而關閉的,受到罷工影響的
- strike的名詞複數
- 擊打 to strike sb. in the face 打某人的臉 to strike sb. on the head 砸某人的頭
- 撞擊 12 people were killed when the missile struck 導彈襲擊造成12人死亡 my head struck against a beam 我的頭撞在橫梁上
- 罷工 a one-day/an official strike 為期一天/得到批准的罷工 to be (out) on strike 正在罷工
- ▶strike
- 受行星影響的
- 為貧窮所困擾的;非常貧窮的;一貧如洗 In this city, many poverty-stricken people live in the slums. 在這個城市中,有許多一貧如洗的群眾住在貧民窟中。
- 悲痛欲絕的
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