- 釋義
- 同反義
- 片語
- 1. 擊打 to strike sb. in the face 打某人的臉 to strike sb. on the head 砸某人的頭
- 2. 碰撞 the ship struck a rock 船觸礁了 the town hall had been struck by a bomb/missile 市政廳遭到了炸彈/導彈襲擊
- 3. 撞擊 the stone struck her on the forehead 石頭擊中了她的額頭 he struck his head on the table 他的頭撞到了桌子上
- 4. 擊; 踢 he struck the ball into the back of the net 他把球踢入網窩
- 5. 給予 fate then struck another cruel blow 接著命運又給了一次殘酷的打擊 she struck him a heavy blow on the head 她重重地打了一下他的頭
- 6. 侵襲 disaster struck the family once again 災難再次降臨這個家庭 the area was struck by an outbreak of cholera 這一地區爆發了霍亂
- 7. 引起 to strike fear or terror into sb. or into sb.'s heart 使某人感到恐懼
- 8. 使突然想到 an awful thought struck me 我突然有了一個可怕的念頭 to (suddenly) strike sb. that ... 某人(突然)想起…
- 9. 給…以某種印象 how does the idea strike you? 你覺得這個主意怎麼樣? she strikes me as very efficient or as a very efficient person 在我眼裡,她是個很幹練的人
- 10. 打動 I was struck with him 我被他打動了 I was struck by her youth and enthusiasm 她年輕熱情,把我迷住了
- 11. 照在…上; 擊中
- 12. 被…感受到 a terrible sight struck my eyes 我忽然看到一處可怕的景象
- 13. 使處於某狀態 to strike sb. dead 劈死某人 to be struck dumb (with amazement) (吃驚得)張口結舌
- 14. 劃燃 to strike a match 劃火柴
- 15. 摩擦出 he had a flint for striking fire 他有一塊打火的燧石 the sword struck sparks off the stone floor 劍砍在石地板上,火星飛濺
- 16. 敲響報出
- 17. 彈奏 to strike a chord on the piano 在鋼琴上彈出和弦
- 18. 鑽探到; 開採出 miners prospecting in the valley struck a seam of silver 在山谷裡勘探的礦工們發現了一個銀礦層 to strike a vein of sth. 發現某種特性
- 19. 達成 to strike a deal 成交 to strike a balance or happy medium (between sth. and sth.) (在某事物和某事物之間)找到折中辦法
- 20. 擺出 to strike a pose 裝腔作勢
- 21. 刪去 I will strike his name from the list 我要把他的名字從名單裡畫掉
- 22. 鑄造
- 23. 拆卸; 拆除 to strike camp 撤營
- 24. 降下 to strike one's colours 降旗
- 25. 急拉釣線把…鉤住; 咬
- 1. 撞擊 12 people were killed when the missile struck 導彈襲擊造成12人死亡 my head struck against a beam 我的頭撞在橫梁上
- 2. 擊打 hold the nail, take the hammer, and strike sharply 捏住釘子,拿起錘子,使勁敲
- 3. 襲擊 the generals will decide when the time is right to strike 將軍們會決定何時可以發起進攻
- 4. 突然發生 tragedy struck when her husband was killed in a car crash 悲劇發生了,她的丈夫在一次車禍中喪生
- 5. 罷工 to strike for a pay increase 罷工要求加薪 to strike over job losses 因失業問題進行罷工
- 6. 報時 did you hear the clock strike? 你聽到鐘響了嗎? six o'clock was striking as I left 我離開時,鐘正敲6點
- 7. 被劃燃 damp matches won't strike 濕火柴劃不著
- 8. 行進 to strike north 向北走 they struck across an open field 他們穿過了空曠的田野
- 9. 急拉釣線把魚鉤住; 上鉤
- 1. 罷工 a one-day/an official strike 為期一天/得到批准的罷工 to be (out) on strike 正在罷工
- 2. 襲擊 the threat of nuclear strikes 核襲擊的威脅 an air/pre-emptive strike 空襲/先發制人的打擊
- 3. 擊打
- 4. 踢 his spectacular strike in the second half made the score 2-0 他在下半場的一腳精彩射門把比分改寫為2比0
- 5. 擊球不中 ‘strike three’ “三擊不中”
- 6. 全中
- 7. 發現 an oil strike 石油的發現 to make a strike 有發現
- 8. 不利因素 the amount of fuel that this car uses is a big strike against it 耗油量大是這輛車的一大缺點 three strikes, and you’re out 三振出局法
- 9. 報時裝置
- 10. 急拉釣線
1. hit forcibly and deliberately with one's hand or a weapon or other implement
2. inflict (a blow)
- hit
- , slap
- , smack
- , beat
- , thrash
- , spank
- , thump
- , thwack
- , punch
- , cuff
- , crack
- , swat
- , knock
- , rap
- , pummel
- , pound
- , batter
- , pelt
- , welt
- , assault
- , box someone's ears
- , cane
- , lash
- , whip
- , club
- , cudgel
- , quilt
- , clout
- , wallop
- , belt
- , whack
- , bash
- , clobber
- , bop
- , biff
- , sock
- , deck
- , slug
- , plug
- , knock about/around
- , knock into the middle of next week
- , lay into
- , do over
- , rough up
- , smite
3. come into forcible contact or collision with
- crash into
- , collide with
- , be in collision with
- , hit
- , run into
- , knock into
- , bang into
- , bump into
- , smash into
- , slam into
- , crack into/against
- , dash against
- , impact
4. (in sporting contexts) hit or kick (a ball)
5. (of a disaster, disease, or other unwelcome phenomenon) occur suddenly and have harmful or damaging effects on
6. carry out an aggressive or violent action, typically without warning
7. (of a thought or idea) come into the mind of (someone) suddenly or unexpectedly
- occur to
- , come to
- , dawn on one
- , hit
- , come to mind
- , spring to mind
- , enter one's head
- , present itself
- , come into one's consciousness
8. cause (someone) to have a particular impression
- seem to
- , appear to
- , look to
- , give someone the impression of being
- , impress
- , affect
- , have an impact on
9. ignite (a match) by rubbing it briskly against an abrasive surface
10. (of employees) refuse to work as a form of organized protest, typically in an attempt to obtain a particular concession or concessions from their employer
11. reach, achieve, or agree to (something involving agreement, balance, or compromise)
- achieve
- , reach
- , arrive at
- , find
- , attain
- , effect
- , establish
- , agree
- , agree on
- , come to an agreement on
- , settle on
- , sign
- , endorse
- , ratify
- , sanction
- , clinch
12. discover (gold, minerals, or oil) by drilling or mining
- discover
- , find
- , come upon
- , light on
- , chance on
- , happen on
- , stumble on/across
- , unearth
- , uncover
- , turn up
13. move or proceed vigorously or purposefully
14. take down (a tent or the tents of an encampment)
15. lower or take down (a flag or sail), especially as a salute or to signify surrender
16. a refusal to work organized by a body of employees as a form of protest, typically in an attempt to gain a concession or concessions from their employer
「1. ignite (a match) by rubbing it briskly against an abrasive surface」的反義字
「2. take down (a tent or the tents of an encampment)」的反義字
「3. lower or take down (a flag or sail), especially as a salute or to signify surrender」的反義字