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  1. strike out

    • vi.
      開始新的道路; 開始獨立;猛擊
    • vt.
      刪去; 在…上畫線
    • 釋義


    • 1. 開始新的道路; 開始獨立 to strike out in a new direction 闖出一條新路 to strike out on one's own 開始獨立謀生
    • 2. 猛擊 he lost his temper and struck out wildly 他怒不可遏,大打出手 to strike out at sb./sth. 朝某人/某物猛擊
    • 3. 抨擊 to strike out at sb./sth. 抨擊某人/某事物 she struck out at her critics, claiming their comments were biased 她駁斥那些批評她的人,聲稱他們的評論抱有偏見
    • 4. 行進 we struck out across the field 我們穿過了田野 he struck out strongly for the shore 他奮力向岸邊游去
    • 5. 失敗 the movie struck out and didn’t win a single Oscar 那部影片拍砸了,奧斯卡獎項一項都沒拿到


    • 1. 刪去; 在…上畫線 she struck out the whole paragraph 她把一整段都刪掉了