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  1. strip

    • IPA[strɪp]


    • n.
      a long, narrow piece of cloth, paper, plastic, or some other material;a long, narrow area of land
    • noun: strip, plural noun: strips

    • 釋義


    • 1. a long, narrow piece of cloth, paper, plastic, or some other material a strip of linen
    • a long, narrow area of land the offensive gained a strip of territory a mile wide
    • North American a main road in or leading out of a town that is lined with shops, restaurants, and other facilities we went to a discount centre in a strip near where we work
    • steel or other metal in the form of narrow flat bars the company had purchased 67,423 kg of steel strip
    • 2. a comic strip a strip cartoon
    • 3. British a programme broadcast regularly at the same time he hosts a weekly two-hour advice strip