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  1. strong-arm

    • IPA[ˈstrôNGˌärm]


    • adj.
      using or characterized by force or violence
    • v.
      use force or violence against
    • verb: strong-arm, 3rd person present: strong-arms, gerund or present participle: strong-arming, past tense: strong-armed, past participle: strong-armed

    • 釋義
    • 相關詞


    • 1. using or characterized by force or violence they are facing criticism of their strong-arm tactics


    • 1. use force or violence against the culprit shouted before being strong-armed out of the door
    • ph.
      used to refer to the criminal justice system as far-reaching

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      the far-reaching power of the law

    Oxford Dictionary

    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˈstrɒŋɑːm]


    • adj.
      using or characterized by force or violence: they are facing criticism of their strong-arm tactics
    • v.
      use force or violence against: the culprit shouted before being strong-armed out of the door

    Oxford Dictionary