- KK[ˋstʌdɪ]
- DJ[ˋstʌdi]
- 學習;研究;調查[U][P1];研究論文,專題論文[C]
- 學習;研究;細看,細察
- 學習,用功;努力
過去式:studied 過去分詞:studied 現在分詞:studying
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 學習;研究;調查[U][P1] The plan is under study. 那個計畫正在研究中。 He has made great progress in his English studies. 他在學習英文方面進步很多。
- 2. 研究論文,專題論文[C] She wrote a study of Shakespeare. 她寫了一篇有關莎士比亞的論文。
- 3. 學科;學問[C] Bioengineering is a new study. 生物工程學是一門新的學問。
- 4. 課題,研究對象[C]
- 5. 書房[C] Mr. Smith is reading in his study. 史密斯先生在書房內看書。
- 6. 【畫】習作;試畫[C]
- 7. 【音】練習曲[C]
- 1. 學習;研究 For a year he studied Chinese with me. 他跟我學了一年中文。
- 2. 細看,細察 I studied him closely. 我仔細地看了看他。
- 3. 仔細考慮 We need time to study a suitable answer. 我們需要時間去考慮一個適當的答覆。 They studied the question carefully before they made the decision. 他們認真研究了這一問題,然後才作出決定。
- 1. 學習,用功 My daughter often studies late into the night. 我女兒常常讀書到深夜。
- 2. 努力
n. 學習,專心,努力,刻苦,深思,注意
- learning
- , concentration
- , intentness
- , endeavor
- , effort
- , work
- , thought
- , reflection
- , contemplation
- , rumination
- , deliberation
- , speculation
- , consideration
- , attention
- , observation
- , notice
- , note
- , regard
n. 調查,研究,解釋,論文
- research
- , investigation
- , inquiry
- , exploration
- , examination
- , scrutiny
- , inspection
- , probe
- , interpretation
- , explanation
- , elucidation
- , treatise
- , thesis
n. 科目,領域
vi. 努力,刻苦,溫習,瀏覽,精讀,佔去
- apply oneself
- , endeavor
- , work
- , review
- , go over
- , bone up
- , peruse
- , pore over
- , read
- , glance at
- , dip into
- , take up
vt. 考慮,反省,沈思,思考
- consider
- , deliberate
- , excogitate
- , revolve
- , turn over
- , weight
- , evaluate
- , cogitate
- , reflect
- , ruminate
- , chew over
- , ponder
- , brood
vt. 觀察,注視,留意,細查,檢查
- 有計畫的;故意的
- study的名詞複數
- 刻意的; 做作的 his writing style is too studied and artificial 他的寫作風格太矯揉造作
- 用功準備考試 I know very well about the matter because I had studied it up in a book. 那件是我很熟悉因為我曾在一本書中讀到過。
- 解決 They have studied out this difficult problem. 他們已經解決了這個難題。
- 研究出;解決 She has studied out the mystery. 她已解開了這個謎。
- 粗淺的自然研究
- 【英】書桌上研究;不切實際的研究;紙上談兵(沒有經過廣泛的實地調查和實驗室試驗的研究)
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