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  1. sufficed

    • suffice的動詞過去式、過去分詞
    • 相關詞
    • vi.【
      足夠[(+for)] Her income suffices for her needs. 她的收入足夠她用。
    • vt.
      【文】使滿足,滿足……的需要[W] Some bread and soup will suffice me. 一些麵包和湯就夠我吃的了。
    • suffice的動詞現在分詞、動名詞
    • vi.
      足以; 足夠 suffice (it) to say that ... 只需說…就夠了
    • vt.
      滿足…的需要 £500 will suffice us 500英鎊夠我們用了
    • = self-sufficient
    • ph.
      只要說……就夠了 Suffice it that without leisure there is no liberty. 無閒暇何來自由--說這一句話就夠了。
    • ph.
      只要說……就夠了 Suffice it that without leisure there is no liberty. 無閒暇何來自由--說這一句話就夠了。
    • ph.
      只要說...就夠了 I won't go into all the depressing details; suffice it to say that the whole affair was an utter disaster. 我不必細說那些讓人聽了難受的事, 只說一句就夠了, 整件事是個慘禍。 Suffice it that without leisure there is no liberty. 無閒暇何來自由--說這一句話就夠了。
    • ph.
      只要說……就夠了 Suffice it to say that without leisure there is no liberty. 無閒暇何來自由--說這一句話就夠了。