- IPA[ˈʃʊɡəd]
- sweetened, sprinkled, or coated with sugar;made more agreeable or palatable
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. sweetened, sprinkled, or coated with sugar sugared almonds sugared tea
- 2. made more agreeable or palatable their pleasant and sugared talk
- a sweet crystalline substance obtained from various plants, especially sugar cane and sugar ... a spoonful of sugar a sugar bowl
- sweeten, sprinkle, or coat with sugar: she absentmindedly sugared her tea
Oxford American Dictionary
- a sweet crystalline substance obtained from various plants, especially sugar cane and sugar ... a spoonful of sugar a sugar bowl
- sweeten, sprinkle, or coat with sugar: Mother absent-mindedly sugared her tea
Oxford Dictionary
- the boiling down of maple sap until it thickens into syrup or crystallizes into sugar: March is sugaring-off month
Oxford American Dictionary
- the boiling down of maple sap until it thickens into syrup or crystallizes into sugar: March is sugaring-off month
Oxford Dictionary
- coat (an item of food) with sugar: while the oven is preheating, sugar-coat the cookies
Oxford Dictionary
- (of an item of food) coated with sugar: sugar-coated almonds
Oxford Dictionary
- unrefined or partially refined sugar.
Oxford American Dictionary
- an amber-colored candy made of boiled sugar, traditionally shaped as a twisted stick: have a stick of barley sugar he offered me a barley sugar
- shaped like twisted barley-sugar sticks: a staircase with barley-sugar banisters
Oxford American Dictionary
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- IPA[ˈSHo͝oɡərd]
- sweetened, sprinkled, or coated with sugar: sugared almonds sugared tea
Oxford American Dictionary