1. a feeling or thought that something is possible, likely, or true
- intuition
- , feeling
- , impression
- , inkling
- , surmise
- , guess
- , conjecture
- , speculation
- , hunch
- , fancy
- , notion
- , supposition
- , view
- , belief
- , idea
- , conclusion
- , theory
- , thesis
- , hypothesis
- , presentiment
- , premonition
- , gut feeling
- , feeling in one's bones
- , funny feeling
- , sixth sense
2. cautious distrust
- misgiving
- , doubt
- , qualm
- , wariness
- , chariness
- , reservation
- , hesitation
- , scepticism
- , lack of faith
- , uncertainty
- , question
- , question mark
- , leeriness
- , distrust
- , mistrust
3. a very slight trace
- trace
- , touch
- , suggestion
- , hint
- , soupçon
- , tinge
- , shade
- , whisper
- , whiff
- , bit
- , trifle
- , drop
- , dash
- , tincture
- , sprinkling
- , breath
- , taste
- , scent
- , shadow
- , glimmer
- , scintilla
- , speck
- , smack
- , jot
- , mite
- , iota
- , tittle
- , whit
「1. a feeling or thought that something is possible, likely, or true」的反義字