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  1. swearing

    • IPA[ˈsweriNG]


    • n.
      the use of language regarded as coarse, blasphemous, or otherwise unacceptable in polite or formal speech in order to express anger or other strong emotion
    • noun: swearing

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    • 1. the use of language regarded as coarse, blasphemous, or otherwise unacceptable in polite or formal speech in order to express anger or other strong emotion there's a lot of swearing in the show
    • n.
      a ceremony at which a person is admitted to office by taking a formal oath: the swearing-in of the new president a swearing-in ceremony

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a ceremony at which a person is admitted to office by taking a formal oath: the swearing-in of the new president a swearing-in ceremony

    Oxford Dictionary

    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˈswɛːrɪŋ]


    • n.
      the use of language regarded as coarse, blasphemous, or otherwise unacceptable in polite or ... there's a lot of swearing in the show

    Oxford Dictionary