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  1. take on sth.

    • ph.
      (不用於被動語態)呈現(某種性質、樣子等); 裝成某事物
    • 釋義
    • 相關詞


    • 1. (不用於被動語態)呈現(某種性質、樣子等); 裝成某事物 He's taken on some irritating mannerisms. 他新添了些討人嫌的怪毛病。 The chameleon can take on the colours of its background. 避役可將身體顏色變得與周圍環境相同。
    • ph.
      決定做某事; 承擔某事 take on extra work 承擔額外工作 She took on greater responsibilities when she was promoted. 她得到提升, 擔負了更大的責任。
    • ph.
      【口】承擔(責任等); 承認(問題等) I'm too busy to take this new job on board at the moment. 我太忙, 目前不能接受這項新工作。
    • ph.


    • ph.


    • ph.
      宣布(對某事物的)立場(或意見等); 表明態度 She took a firm stand on nuclear disarmament. 她在核裁軍的問題上態度很堅決。
    • ph.
      (因生氣、失望等)向某人發泄 I know you've had a bad day -- but there's no need to take it out on me! 我知道你不痛快--可是也用不著拿我撒氣呀! He took out his anger on the cat. 他拿自己的貓出氣。
    • ph.
      【口】接受(某人的挑戰、提出之事、提供之物); 同意與某人打賭 I bet I can run faster than you. I'll take you up on that. “我跟你打賭我跑得比你快。” “我願意跟你打賭。” Thanks for the invitation; we may take you up on it some time. 多謝邀請, 我們改日一定應邀。
    • ph.
      報仇; 報復