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  1. take ... seriously

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    • 1. 認真地把某人/事當作一回事 We should take our responsibility seriously. 我們應該把我們的責任當作一回事。 It's hard to take Lily seriously. She's always kidding around. 很難和麗莉認真, 她總是開玩笑開個不停。
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      實現, 成形 Their new home took shape as the weeks went by. 只過去幾個星期他們的家已基本成形。 Plans for our vacation are beginning to take shape. 我們度假的計劃正在開始實現。
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      反對 I took against him at first sight. 第一次見面我對他印象就不好。 He's always taking against his father. 他老是跟他父親唱反調。
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      舉行; 發生 The accident took place only a block from his home. 這個事故發生在離他家只一個胡同的地方。 The dance will take place after the graduation ceremony. 畢業典禮之後將舉行舞會。
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      需要時間 It will take me all my time to do it. 那將需要我花全部時間去做。
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      當作; 誤認為 Make no mistakes. Don't take him for a fool, he is anything but that. 別扔錯了, 不要把他當傻瓜, 他絕不是那種人。 He speaks English so well that he's often taken for a native speaker. 他的英語說得那樣好, 人們都認為英語是他的母語。
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      輪流做(工作等) Mary and Helen took turns sitting up with their sick mother. 瑪麗和海倫輪流守夜, 照顧生病的母親。 The three men took turns driving so one would not get too tired. 這三個人輪流開車, 以便大家都不致太疲勞。
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      照相 The tourists have nothing to do but take pictures of each other. 遊客們沒事可做, 互相照相。 He takes good pictures. 他很會照相。
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      相似; 追趕 He takes after his father in mathematical ability. 他數學方面的才能像他父親。 Try to take after your parents who were honest hardworking people. 要學學你父母, 他們為人勤勞誠懇。
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      送(人或物)到各處 Last summer when he came to visit me, I took him around the city. 去年夏天他來看我, 我帶他到市區各地。 Please take the message around all the office. 請把這個信息送到辦公室各處。
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