take back
- reclaim possession of something;accept a partner or spouse again after a separation
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. reclaim possession of something
- 2. accept a partner or spouse again after a separation
- 3. accept a person again as an employee or student, typically after a period of suspension or dismissal
- 4. strongly remind someone of a past time
- 5. retract a statement
- 6. return unsatisfactory goods to a shop
- 7. (of a shop) accept goods returned as unsatisfactory
- 8. transfer text to the previous line
- retract a statement
Oxford Dictionary
- retract a statement
Oxford American Dictionary
- strongly remind someone of a past time
Oxford Dictionary
- strongly remind someone of a past time
Oxford American Dictionary
- take or be given a less important position or role
Oxford Dictionary
- take or be given a less important position or role
Oxford American Dictionary
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