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  1. take to

    • ph.
      喜歡; 沈溺於;開始從事
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    • 1. 喜歡; 沈溺於 I was introduced to the headmistress. I can't say I took to her. 他們介紹我認識了女校長, 我不能說我喜歡她。 He took to drinking shortly after his wife died. 在他太太死後不久他就沈溺於喝酒。
    • 2. 開始從事 He took to studying English 5 years ago. 他五年前開始學英語。
    • 3. 離去而到(某處)(尤指為躲避敵人); 逃入(某處) take to the forest, woods, jungle, etc. 逃進森林、樹林、叢林等 The crew took to the lifeboats when the ship was torpedoed. 船被魚雷擊中, 船員逃上救生艇。


    喜歡; 沈溺於


    「喜歡; 沈溺於」的反義字

    • ph.
      認真關注 I hope you will take the warning to heart. 我希望你注意這個告誡。
    • ph.
      逐漸慣於做某事 take to smoking a pipe, sleeping late, going on solitary walks 對吸菸斗、晚睡、獨自散步逐漸習慣 She's taken to drink. 她喝酒已喝上癮了。
    • ph.
      逃走; 逃跑 The gang took (to) flight when they heard the police car. 那伙歹徒聽到警車聲便逃跑了。
    • ph.
      使人想到... These stories took him back to his childhood days. 這些故事使他回想到童年時代。
    • ph.
      喜歡某事物; 欣然接受或接納某人(某事物) She didn't take (at all) kindly to being called plump. 她(一點都)不喜歡人家說她豐滿。 I don't think he takes kindly to foreign tourists. 我認為他不喜歡外國遊客。
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    • ph.
      開始從事 He took to studying English 5 years ago. 他五年前開始學英語。


    • ph.
      開始從事 He took to studying English 5 years ago. 他五年前開始學英語。
    • vt.
      去; 登上 he's ill and has taken to his bed 他臥病在床 to take to the streets to protest 走上街頭抗議
    • ph.
