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  1. now that

    • ph.
      既然; 因為; 而今
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    • 同反義
    • 相關詞


    • 1. 既然; 因為; 而今 Now that you have come, you may as well stay for a few days. 既然來了, 你就不妨住幾天嘛。 Now that you have mentioned it, I do remember. 你一提到這件事, 我就想起來了。


    既然; 因為; 而今

    • ph.
      基於...的理由; 因為 Privatization is thought to be beneficial in that it promotes competition. 私營化的優點在於能促進相互競爭。
    • ph.
      那位叫...。 That is John. 那位叫約翰。 That is a pen. 那是一枝筆。
    • ph.
      那得看情況 Can I come? That depends: there might not be room in the car. “我能來嗎?” “那要看情況, 汽車裡可能沒有空座了。”
    • ph.
      並非 Not that it matters, but how did you spend so much money in such a short period of time? 我不是說有什麼關係, 但是, 這麼短的時間裡你是怎麼花掉這麼多錢的? She hasn't written to me yet -- not that she ever said she would. 她還沒給我來信--倒不是她說過要給我寫信。
    • ph.
      由於 Seeing that he refuses there is nothing more to be done. 既然他拒絕, 那就沒有辦法了。 Seeing that it is eight oclock, we'll wait no longer. 由於時間已到八點, 我們將不再等了。
    • ph.
      那天晚上 He went to bed very late that night. 他那天晚上很晚才就寢。
    • ph.
      如人們過去對某人常用的稱呼 Miss Brown that was, before her marriage. 布朗小姐, 即她婚前的稱呼。
    • ph.
      倘若; 以...為條件 I will go, provided that you go too. 你也去的話我就去。 Provided (that) there is no opposition, we shall hold the meeting here. 假如無人反對, 我們就在這裡開會。
    • ph.
      於是(立刻) Upon that they set off. 於是他們就出發了。
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