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  1. thick

    • IPA[θɪk]



    • adj.
      厚的; 粗的; 粗體的;茂密的; 濃密的; 濃的
    • adv.
    • n.
    • 比較級:thicker 最高級:thickest

    • 釋義
    • 同反義


    • 1. 厚的; 粗的; 粗體的 a thick layer of snow 厚厚的一層雪 three inches/feet thick 3英寸/英尺厚
    • 2. 茂密的; 濃密的; 濃的
    • 3. 密布的 windows thick with grime and dirt 落滿塵垢的窗戶 a river thick with waste 布滿垃圾的河流
    • 4. 黏稠的 thick soup 濃湯 to make sth. thick 使某物變得黏稠
    • 5. 沙啞的 thick with emotion 因激動而嗓音沙啞的
    • 6. 濃重的
    • 7. 愚蠢的 to be as thick as a brick or as two short planks 笨得要死
    • 8. 親密的 to be thick with sb. 與某人過於親近
    • 9. 過分的 that's a bit thick 那有點過分


    • 1. 厚厚地 to lay it on thick 誇大其詞 the lies/insults were coming thick and fast 謊言/辱罵紛至沓來


    • 1. 厚的部分 the bullet had hit him in the thick of the leg 子彈射在他的大腿上 to be in the thick of sth. 在某事物最繁忙的時候


    1. with opposite sides or surfaces that are far or relatively far apart

    2. (of a garment or other knitted or woven item) made of heavy material

    3. made up of a large number of things or people close together

    4. densely filled or covered with

    5. (of the air or atmosphere, or a substance in the air) opaque, dense, or heavy

    6. (of a liquid or a semi-liquid substance) relatively firm in consistency; not flowing freely

    7. (of a voice) not clear or distinct; hoarse or husky

    8. (of an accent) very marked and difficult to understand

    9. having a very close, friendly relationship


    「1. with opposite sides or surfaces that are far or relatively far apart」的反義字

    「2. (of a garment or other knitted or woven item) made of heavy material」的反義字

    「3. made up of a large number of things or people close together」的反義字

    「4. (of a liquid or a semi-liquid substance) relatively firm in consistency; not flowing freely」的反義字

    「5. (of a voice) not clear or distinct; hoarse or husky」的反義字

    「6. (of an accent) very marked and difficult to understand」的反義字

    「7. having a very close, friendly relationship」的反義字