- KK[ˋθɪŋkɪŋ]
- DJ[ˋθiŋkiŋ]
- 思想的;有理性的;好思考的
- 思想,思考;意見,想法
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 思想的;有理性的;好思考的 Any thinking person would not have accepted such a condition. 任何一個有思想的人都不會接受這個條件。
- 1. 思想,思考 I have to do some thinking before making a decision. 我得先思考一下,然後才好作決定。
- 2. 意見,想法
- 3. think的動詞現在分詞、動名詞
a. 合理的,合乎邏輯的,感覺的,分析的,推理的
- rational
- , reasoning
- , reasonable
- , sensible
- , cerebral
- , logical
- , practical
- , intelligent
- , knowing
- , ratiocinative
- , percipient
- , perceiving
- , analytic
- , ideational
- , philosophical
- , speculative
- , imaginative
a. 思考的,沈思的,反省的,出神的,專心的
- reflective
- , contemplative
- , cogitative
- , meditative
- , musing
- , reflecting
- , ruminant
- , introspective
- , pensive
- , thoughtful
- , preoccupied
- , engrossed
- , studious
- , careful
n. 推論,推理,思考,聯想
- reasoning
- , rationalization
- , cerebration
- , brainwork
- , headwork
- , ideation
- , cogitation
- , excogitation
- , thought
- , brain power
- , deduction
n. 思想,見解,看法
- thought
- , logic
- , reason
- , judgment
- , opinion
- , conjecture
- , belief
- , view
- , conviction
- , study
- , analysis
- , evaluation
n. 沈思,仔細考慮
- contemplation
- , meditation
- , consideration
- , rumination
- , brown study
- , musing
- , deliberation
- , speculation
- , concentration
- , reflection
「a. 思考的;有理性的」的反義字
- 思考時的心情(精神狀態)
- 一廂情願的想法;如意算盤
- 創造性思維
- 水平思考,側面思考(指從各個不同角度來思考問題)
- 批判性思考 To a student of philosophy, critical thinking is the most important thing in the world. 對於一個學哲學的人而言,批判性思考比什麼都重要。
- 思考時的心情(精神狀態)
- 一廂情願的想法;如意算盤
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