- KK[θræʃ]
- DJ[θræʃ]
- (用鞭,棍)打,痛擊;摔打(穀物),使脫粒
- 痛打;打穀,脫粒
- 打,擊;脫粒;頂風冒浪
過去式:thrashed 過去分詞:thrashed 現在分詞:thrashing
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. (用鞭,棍)打,痛擊 She would never thrash her children. 她絕不會鞭打她的孩子。
- 2. 摔打(穀物),使脫粒 Farmers used to thrash their wheat by hand. 農民過去用手打麥脫粒。
- 3. 連續擊打(或揮動) The bird thrashed its wings. 鳥兒拍擊翅膀。
- 4. 【口】擊敗,大勝 Our tank regiment thrashed the enemy troops. 我們的坦克團把敵軍打得落花流水。
- 5. 推敲,反覆研究[(+out)] They are thrashing out a new economic policy. 他們正在研究制定一個新的經濟政策。
- 1. 痛打
- 2. 打穀,脫粒
- 3. 連續拍擊
- 4. 翻跳,扭動[(+about/around)] The pickpocket was thrashing around in an attempt to get free. 那個扒手拼命掙扎,試圖脫身。 Fishes thrashed about in the net. 魚兒在網裡亂蹦亂跳。
- 5. 頂著風浪前進 The ship thrashed to windward. 船頂風破浪行進。
- 1. 打,擊;脫粒
- 2. 頂風冒浪
- 3. (游泳)踢水動作
- 4. 敲擊搖滾樂
vi. & vt. 打,擊
vi. 打滾
- thrash的名詞複數
- thrash的動詞過去式、過去分詞
- 討論解決 We decided to call a meeting to thrash the problem out. 我們決定開個會解決這個問題。 I'm afraid you'll have to thrash out that question among yourselves. 我看那個問題還得由你們自己討論解決。
- 研討解決;研討獲得 Finally they thrashed out the problem. 最終他們透過討論研究解決了問題。
- 研討解決;研討獲得 Finally they thrashed out the problem. 最終他們透過討論研究解決了問題。
- 激烈扭動 somebody was thrashing about in the water 有人在水裡亂撲騰
- 使勁晃動; 用力拍擊 to thrash one's arms/legs about 亂揮胳膊/亂踢腿
- 通過討論解決
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