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    • 適時,時間測定,定時,調速
    • 相關詞
    • 定時的


    • ph.
    • ph.
      遲到; 逾期; 慢; 晚點 The train was 10 minutes behind time. 火車晚到了十分鐘。 The plane was an hour behind time. 班機誤點一小時。
    • ph.
      拖延時間 The union leaders are trying to buy time by prolonging the negotiations. 工會的領袖企圖以延長談判過程來拖延時間。
    • ph.
      消磨打發時間 How do you manage to kill your time on Sundays? 你在星期天是如何打發時間的?
    • ph.
      及時; 最後; 合節拍 Cancer can be cured if discovered in time. 癌症若發現及時可以治愈。 If you keep on, you will succeed in time. 如果堅持下去, 你們總有一天會成功的。
    • ph.
      每次; 總是 Our table tennis team wins every time. 我們兵乓球隊每戰必勝。 Every time I meet him, he tries to borrow books from me. 每當我遇到他時, 他總是向我借書。
    • ph.
      以最快速度, 爭分奪秒地, 儘快地 It was a race against time. 那是一項爭取時間的努力。 They were working against time. 他們在分秒必爭地工作。
    • ph.
      報時 When do children learn to tell (the) time? 小孩甚麼時候學會看時間? My five-year-old brother cannot quite tell (the) time. 我五歲的弟弟還不怎麼會看時間。
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