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  1. time warp

    • IPA[ˈtʌɪm wɔːp]


    • n.
      (especially in science fiction) an imaginary distortion of space in relation to time whereby people or objects of one period can be moved to another
    • noun: time warp, plural noun: time warps

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    • 1. (especially in science fiction) an imaginary distortion of space in relation to time whereby people or objects of one period can be moved to another a time warp propels a futuristic fighter back to present day visitors feel as if they've entered a time warp
    • ph.
      have failed to keep up with the passage of time

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      have failed to keep up with the passage of time

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      have failed to keep up with the passage of time

    Oxford Dictionary

    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˈtīm ˌwôrp]


    • n.
      (especially in science fiction) an imaginary distortion of space in relation to time whereby ... a time warp propels a futuristic fighter back to present day visitors feel as if they've entered a time warp

    Oxford American Dictionary