- IPA[ˈtɪtɪleɪt]
- arouse (someone) to interest or mild excitement, especially through sexually suggestive images or words;lightly touch; tickle.
verb: titillate, 3rd person present: titillates, gerund or present participle: titillating, past tense: titillated, past participle: titillated
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. arouse (someone) to interest or mild excitement, especially through sexually suggestive images or words the press are paid to titillate the public
- ▪ lightly touch; tickle.
- arousing mild sexual excitement or interest; salacious: she let slip titillating details about her clients then came a lot of titillating tabloid speculation
Oxford Dictionary
- arousing mild sexual excitement or interest; salacious: she let slip titillating details about her clients then came a lot of titillating tabloid speculation
Oxford American Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈtidəˌlāt]
- stimulate or excite (someone), especially in a sexual way: these journalists are paid to titillate the public
Oxford American Dictionary