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  1. resort to

    • ph.
      依靠, 求助於, 訴諸於;光顧; 常去(某地)
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    • 1. 依靠, 求助於, 訴諸於 The electric lamps went out so we had to resort to candles to light the room. 電燈滅了, 所以我們只能求助於蠟燭來照明。 It was after the failure of his attempt that he resorted to force. 他的嘗試失敗之後他使用了武力。
    • 2. 光顧; 常去(某地) We resorted to the hotel for some coffee. 我們去那家賓館喝咖啡。 The beggar resorted to the restaurant for some soup. 這個乞丐常去該飯店要湯喝。


    依靠, 求助於, 訴諸於

    • ph.
      【軍】做好戰鬥準備 The troops were ordered to stand to in case of attack. 部隊接到命令要做好對付敵人襲擊的戰鬥準備。
    • ph.
      向下延伸至 The mountain path descends to a small river. 那條山間小路向下延伸到一條小河。
    • ph.
      能被...透過 Glass is pervious to light. 玻璃能透光。
    • ph.
      (在所有權等方面)屬於 The bicycle belongs to Amy. 這腳踏車是艾咪的。 I don't know to whom it belongs to. 我不知道這個是誰的。
    • ph.
      到不可忍受的地步 They were driven to distraction by the flies. 他們被蒼蠅攪得煩透了。
    • ph.
      黏著, 堅持 Mud adhered to our shoes. 我們的鞋上沾著泥。 She adhered to what she had said at the meeting. 她堅持她在會議上說過的話。
    • ph.
      符合 Does the result answer to their expectations? 結果符合他們的期望嗎?
    • ph.
      甦醒 The doctor applied some medicine and he begun to come to. 醫生用藥後, 他開始恢復知覺。 It was a long time before he came to himself. 很久之後他才甦醒過來。
    • ph.
      相當於 The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament. 美國國會相當於英國的議院。
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