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  1. to test the waters

    • ph.
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    • 1. 試水(溫度、深淺);試探別人對某事的意見 His dispatch of a warship there was not an act of war-mongering, but just to test the waters of how enemy troops would react. 他派遣一艘戰艦去那裡不是要挑起戰端,只是要試探敵軍的反應。
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    • ph.
      試水(溫度、深淺);試探別人對某事的意見 His dispatch of a warship there was not an act of war-mongering, but just to test the waters of how enemy troops would react. 他派遣一艘戰艦去那裡不是要挑起戰端,只是要試探敵軍的反應。